the aggression is all around us everyday in our lives. more often is in our schools. Anger is called when you have a bad situations with onother person or even you can have the anger to yourself . the aggresions is realy danger when you are about to hurt yourself . The anger is when you laugh from someone else, when you sream to your mom or your teacher, or when you curse. physically danger is when you push somone realy hard, or kicking someone.causes of all that situations is when in our familly house there is no discipline. when moms and dads dont help them or they dont give them much love as they suppostu give the kids will grown with anger. children who lives in the safe place , surrounded by parents love they control themself, they know how to act in the specific time.
the aggression is all around us everyday in our lives. more often is in our schools. Anger is called when you have a bad situations with another person or even you can have the anger to yourself . the aggresion is realy danger when you are about to hurt yourself . The anger is when you laugh from someone else, when you sream to your mom or your teacher, or when you curse. physically danger is when you push somone realy hard, or kicking someone.causes of all that situations is when in our familly house there is no discipline. when moms and dads dont help them or they dont give them much love as they suppostu give the kids will grown with anger. children who lives in the safe place , surrounded byparents love they control themself, they know how to act in the specific time.
różne rodzajeagresji agresjajest wszędzie wokół nasna co dzień wnaszym życiu.częściejjestw naszych szkołach.agresjajest wywoływana, gdymasz złysytuacjiz inną osobą lubnawetmożna miećzłośćnasiebie.agresjijest bardzoniebezpieczne, gdymasz zamiarsobie krzywdy.Gniewjest, kiedysię śmiaćzkogoś innego,kiedysreamnatwoja mamalubnauczyciela,lub gdyprzekleństwo.fizycznieniebezpieczeństwojestpo naciśnięciusomonenaprawdę trudne,lub kopaniesomeone.causewszystkich, że sytuacjejest wtedy, gdywnaszej rodziniedomnie ma żadnej dyscypliny.kiedymamusie i tatusiowieniepomóc imlubichnie dajęimdużo miłości, ponieważ,dzieci będąhodowanez gniewu.dzieci, któremieszkaja wbezpiecznym miejscu, otoczenirodzice kochająkontrolująsamej osoby, wiedzą,jak działaćwokreślonym czasie.
differenttypesof aggression
the aggression is all around us everyday in our lives. more often is in our schools. Anger is called when you have a bad situations with onother person or even you can have the anger to yourself . the aggresions is realy danger when you are about to hurt yourself . The anger is when you laugh from someone else, when you sream to your mom or your teacher, or when you curse. physically danger is when you push somone realy hard, or kicking someone.causes of all that situations is when in our familly house there is no discipline. when moms and dads dont help them or they dont give them much love as they suppostu give the kids will grown with anger. children who lives in the safe place , surrounded by parents love they control themself, they know how to act in the specific time.
Different types of aggression
the aggression is all around us everyday in our lives. more often is in our schools. Anger is called when you have a bad situations with another person or even you can have the anger to yourself . the aggresion is realy danger when you are about to hurt yourself . The anger is when you laugh from someone else, when you sream to your mom or your teacher, or when you curse. physically danger is when you push somone realy hard, or kicking someone.causes of all that situations is when in our familly house there is no discipline. when moms and dads dont help them or they dont give them much love as they suppostu give the kids will grown with anger. children who lives in the safe place , surrounded byparents love they control themself, they know how to act in the specific time.
różne rodzaje agresji
agresja jest wszędzie wokół nas na co dzień w naszym życiu. częściej jest w naszych szkołach.agresja jest wywoływana, gdy masz zły sytuacji z inną osobą lub nawet można mieć złość nasiebie. agresji jest bardzo niebezpieczne, gdy masz zamiar sobie krzywdy. Gniew jest, kiedy się śmiać z kogoś innego, kiedy sream na twoja mama lub nauczyciela, lub gdy przekleństwo.fizycznie niebezpieczeństwo jest po naciśnięciu somone naprawdę trudne, lub kopaniesomeone.cause wszystkich, że sytuacje jest wtedy, gdy w naszej rodzinie dom nie ma żadnej dyscypliny. kiedy mamusie i tatusiowie nie pomóc im lub ich nie daję im dużo miłości, ponieważ, dzieci będą hodowane z gniewu. dzieci, które mieszkaja w bezpiecznym miejscu, otoczeni rodzice kochają kontrolują samej osoby, wiedzą, jak działać w określonym czasie.