Napisz o New Year Eve dzis 05.01.10 do 22.45 co sie musi znaleźć!: 1^^who was there -kto tam był 2^^clothes, decors- jak ludzie byli ubrani, dekoracja miejsca albo jak wygladało 3^^the course of events-przebieg wydarzenia 4^^why it was important-dlaczego bylo to istotne takie no ciekawe itp
to ma być krótkie!! max 2-3 zdania do podpunktu nie rozpisywac sie!!
As the new year approaches, New York City gets ready for its annual NYE Times Square celebration. The famous ball drop atop One Times Square has been a tradition dating back to 1906. Each year, hundreds of thousands of people descend upon Times Square to experience this free and memorable event! If you are planning to join the festivities, get there early and be prepared - you'll be corralled into barricaded areas where you'll have to stay for the duration. After the ball drop in Times Square, celebrate some more at one of the hot, popular New Year's Eve parties in NYC shown below!