MachuPicchu (Quechua-the oldpeak) -the best preservedcity ofthe Incas, just112 km fromCuzco.It is situatedat an altitude of2090-2400m above sea level,the passbetweenWaynePicchuandMachu Picchuin the Peruvian Andes.BelowUrubambaRiver flows. The citywas builtaccording toplansdevelopedcomprehensivelyin the secondhalf of the fifteenthcenturyduring the reign ofone of the greatestrulers ofPachacutiIncaYupanqui(1438-1471).Thenactedas the mainceremonialcenter, but alsoeconomic anddefense.Inhabitedbypriests, representatives of theIncanobility, soldiersandguardiansof the localtemples.The cityconsisted of twoparts,Upper, calledhanman,the Templeof the Sun,RoyalTomb, the Royal PalaceandIntihuataną, the largestIncaholiness.In Lowerand thehouseswerethatched, andproductionworkshops.On thesteep slopessurrounding the citywerecultivatedterraceswith a width of2-4m,withvertical wallserectedbetween themwith stones[1]. For unknown reasonsdesertedtownof about1537
Machu Picchu (Quechua - the old peak) - the best preserved city of the Incas, just 112 km from Cuzco. It is situated at an altitude of 2090-2400 m above sea level, the passbetween Wayne Picchu and Machu Picchu in the Peruvian Andes. Below UrubambaRiver flows.
The city was built according to plans developed comprehensively in the second half of the fifteenth century during the reign of one of the greatest rulers of Pachacuti IncaYupanqui (1438-1471). Then acted as the main ceremonial center, but alsoeconomic and defense. Inhabited by priests, representatives of the Inca nobility, soldiers and guardians of the local temples. The city consisted of two parts, Upper, called hanman, the Temple of the Sun, Royal Tomb, the Royal Palace andIntihuataną, the largest Inca holiness. In Lower and the houses were thatched, andproduction workshops. On the steep slopes surrounding the city were cultivatedterraces with a width of 2-4 m, with vertical walls erected between them with stones[1].
For unknown reasons deserted town of about 1537
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