At least 91 people, including 20 children were killed by a tornado that passed over the suburbs of Oklahoma City in the south of the USA. Element destroyed two schools, a hospital and hundreds of homes. Service provide that balance death toll could rise.
Tornado hit the night of Monday to Tuesday time Polish 55-thousand city's southern suburbs Moore Oklahoma City. It was accompanied by winds blowing at up to 230 km / h. Funnel wide tornado was about 1.6 miles. The element left behind a trail of destruction three kilometers wide. He destroyed hundreds of buildings, and about 40 thousand. people left without access to electricity.
At least91 people, including 20childrenwere killed bya tornadothatpassed overthe suburbs ofOklahoma Cityin the south ofthe USA.Elementdestroyedtwo schools, a hospital andhundreds of homes.Serviceprovide thatbalancedeath toll could rise.
Tornado hitthe night ofMonday to TuesdaytimePolish55-thousandcity's southern suburbsMooreOklahomaCity.It was accompanied bywinds blowingat up to230 km / h.Funnelwidetornado wasabout 1.6miles.The elementleft behind atrail of destructionthree kilometerswide.He destroyedhundreds ofbuildings, andabout 40 thousand.peopleleftwithout access toelectricity.
At least 91 people, including 20 children were killed by a tornado that passed over the suburbs of Oklahoma City in the south of the USA. Element destroyed two schools, a hospital and hundreds of homes. Service provide that balance death toll could rise.
Tornado hit the night of Monday to Tuesday time Polish 55-thousand city's southern suburbs Moore Oklahoma City. It was accompanied by winds blowing at up to 230 km / h. Funnel wide tornado was about 1.6 miles. The element left behind a trail of destruction three kilometers wide. He destroyed hundreds of buildings, and about 40 thousand. people left without access to electricity.
At least91 people, including 20childrenwere killed bya tornadothatpassed overthe suburbs ofOklahoma Cityin the south ofthe USA.Elementdestroyedtwo schools, a hospital andhundreds of homes.Serviceprovide thatbalancedeath toll could rise.
Tornado hitthe night ofMonday to TuesdaytimePolish55-thousandcity's southern suburbsMooreOklahomaCity.It was accompanied bywinds blowingat up to230 km / h.Funnelwidetornado wasabout 1.6miles.The elementleft behind atrail of destructionthree kilometerswide.He destroyedhundreds ofbuildings, andabout 40 thousand.peopleleftwithout access toelectricity.