Twój kolega z Anglii został zaproszony na uroczystość weselną w Polsce
W liście do kolegi napisz:
-Poradź mu jak powinien się ubrać na ślub
- Wyjaśnij jak zwykle przebiega uroczystość weselna
-Przypomnij koledze jak powinien kupić prezent ślubny i zaproponuj swój pomysł.
Praca musi mieć zawierać od 50 do 120 słów
Hi Y! I’ve read your e-mail about getting invited to a polish wedding and I think that’s great! You should wear something smart, like a suit with a tie, I think that would be the right outfit that occasion. The wedding in Poland isn’t all that different from those in other countries, first you have the ceremony in church, then you go to a restaurant or whatever you guys have reserved, the newly bonded husband and wife get a toast and after that you guys just have fun and party. There’s nothing to worry about, except for the present. If I was in your place, I would buy a souvenir that would make them remember the wedding and memories shared with you. Well that’s all! I hope you have fun!
I’ve read your e-mail about getting invited to a polish wedding and I think that’s great! You should wear something smart, like a suit with a tie, I think that would be the right outfit that occasion. The wedding in Poland isn’t all that different from those in other countries, first you have the ceremony in church, then you go to a restaurant or whatever you guys have reserved, the newly bonded husband and wife get a toast and after that you guys just have fun and party. There’s nothing to worry about, except for the present. If I was in your place, I would buy a souvenir that would make them remember the wedding and memories shared with you. Well that’s all! I hope you have fun!
All the best,