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Dear Ingritte,
I know I haven't been writing for a long time, but, to tell the truth, I was very busy. Now I have a lot of time so I would like to renew our relationship. Now I am staying in Gdańsk at my aunt's home. I must tell you I am feeling great. I adore this place in summer.
As you know, Gdańsk is situated in a Poland. In summer it attracts so many tourists that it is very difficult to find a free place at the car parks. For me, these summer holidays are a great experience. Every day I either go for long walks. Yesterday, I swam with my brother in the see. The weather is great. The sun is shining and is very hot. In the afternoon I am going to go to a cafe with my friends - to drink tea or coffee. Next year I would also like to go to the Gdańsk and have such a good time.
See you soon.