Napisz list: Wyraź swoje uczucia w związku z sytuacją w afryce. Zapytaj w jaki sposób możesz pomóc. Opowiedz o swoich doświadczeniach z klęską żywiołową w Polsce. Będe bardzo wdzięczna jak ktos mi pomoże ; )
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I feel very emotional about the situation in Africa. I wish I could help all of the people that live there because I hate seeing people starve. In my opinion, everyone in the world should be equal. I believe that people in Africa should receive the amounts of food as others in the world because every day, they work so hard to keep themselves and their families alive. If I was born in Africa, I would work as hard as Africans do because putting a smile on someone's face by providing them with food would make me happy too. If there is anything I can do or a way that I can help, please tell me as I will freely do!
Napisalam list, ale nie opowiadalam o swoich doswiadczeniach z kleska zywiolowa w Polsce.