Napisz list w którym :
- zachec go do zmiany stylu zycia i uprawiania sportu
- podkreśl ze dieta jest bardzo wazna w życiu
- doradź by skonsultowal sie z lekarzem
- poproś go o list w ktorym napisze czy zmiany w jego zyciu przyniosly jakies efekty
[120 - 150 słów]
Pilnie potrzebuje..
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hello Tony,
the lifestyle you described in your last letter is terrible and I can't imagine how you can live like that! Your habits are awfully unhealthy. For your own sake, you should change them. I suggest you take up some sport - it's really enjoyable once you find something you like (just please don't choose chess, because physical exercise is the point). You should also go on a diet. You eat all sorts of fast food, but you should try products from various food groups in order to get all sorts of vitamins, minerals and other ingredients that are vital for your health and proper functioning of your body. It will also positively affect your mood! Consult a doctor if you feel unsure - a specialist will certainly give you better advice than me.
Next time you write, tell me if those changes have some impact on your life.
plus/minus 150 słów razem z przywitaniem i pożeganiem.
You're welcome. (: