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wyobraź sobie, że korespondujesz z rówieśnikiem z Afryki. W jego kraju panuje susza. Napisz do niego list, w którym:
1 wyrazisz swojeuczucia w związku z sytuacją w Afryce
2zapytasz, w jaki sposób możesz pomóc
3 opowiesz o swoich doświadczeniach zkleską żywiołową w Polsce
list powinien zawierać od 50 do 100 słów
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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At the outsetof my letterI want togreetyou very much.Polandis now thenice weather,the sun is shining,the flowersbegin to bloom.
ButI write youthis letterbecauseI heardon televisionthat there is adroughtin Africa.I amreally verysorry about it, it's hardfor meto lookat all thosepoor children, you must bebrave, you'llhavesome helpto youflies.I alsoreallywould like tohelp you,if you needanything,pleasewrite mea letter, whereI will be abletoI'll help yousurvive thesedifficult times.I know exactlyhow it isduring the dry season, onceitisexperienced, butonly faith, hope andlovegiveyou strengthto fight thisterribleelement.I'll beprayingevery dayfor itto finallyfatesmiledto youthat God willhearyour requests,youwere happy.
Pleasesay hello toall yourfamily andtell them thatthe soul andmind iswith you.Iftheyreallyanyhelpplease email meas soon as possible, I'll helpas much asI can.
I missyou,keepyour fingers crossedthat everythingwill be fine.
greet...(twoje imię)