Napisz list:( po angielsku)
Twoja koleżanka z Anglii zaprosiła cię do swojego domu na swięta Bożego Narodzenia.Napisz do niej list w którym:
*przeprosisz i podak powód, dla którego nie mozęsz przjać zaproszenia
*opiszesz , jak ty i twoja rodzina przygotowujecie się do świat i jak je spędzacie
*zaproponujesz spędzenie świat w twoim domu i powiesz, kogo z twojej rodziny mogłaby poznać
* obiecasz, że pokażesz jej swoja miejscowośc i zabierzesz na jakieś wydarzenie organizowane w okolicy
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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi Ashley
How are you? I hope you fine!
Thank you for invite me to your home on Christmas - this is so nice from your side, but unfortunately I can't arrive because my old uncle became ill and I must support him in this time. I hope that you understand it.
How you preparing for a Christmas Eve? At my home everything cleaned and decorated rooms in X-mas style. My mother always cook yummy dishes and cake! I feel the magic of Christmas!
I have an idea! You can arrive to us that spent X-mas, you could meet my older cousin (He is hadnsome and alone!) ;)
Additionally I could show you my beautyfull town, I will take you for a special event which organise in 2nd day of Christmas. Everything will be ice-skate with magical music. I'm sure that you'd like it!
Write soon!
Hi Kate
Hope you're well and thanks for your letter.
I am writing to let you know I can't accept the invation for Christmas Day with you,Sorry I very sorry you. I can't arrive because in the this year drop in to me my whole family. My mum is very excited still bakes a cakes and anyway I don't have enough money a ticket to England.
MY family and I bake cakes and fry a fishes.
Wewill spendthis Christmasin a largebody.What do you think about coming to me??
Me andmy familyinvites youtous for Christmas.I I would beverygratefulif youcame to me.Do you fancy??? You could know my wgole family soo my grandmother,grandfather,my uncle,my aunt,my sister and brother and mum and father,niece,son-in law. I promiss you that I will show you my town, and I take you on celebretion. Do come and visit me!Please write soon and tell me do you come?Looking forward to hearing from you.
Take care.