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- opisz wygląd jednego z członków twojej rodziny
- zapytaj go o rodzenstwo i jego wiek
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Tom,
Hi ! It's me - your polish friend Yan ! How are you ? I'm fine if you ask ;) In your last letter you tell me about your life and I wanna to tell you about me. I live in Rybnik in Poland with my wife Iwona and two daughters : Zuzia and Martyna. Martyna is older than Zuzia - she's eight and Zuzia is only three years old. My father's name, is Yan and he's sixty-five years old. He's a hairdresser. My mother has a beatiful name : Danuta. She is sixty years old. She isn't work - she's pensionere and she takes care my children and house when I am in work.
My younger daughter Zuzia has got long and blond hair. She isńt tall - she's only 95cm, but she's got beatiful blue eyes.
And now is your turn :)
- Have you got a siblings ?
- How old are you ?
Answer my questions in next letter !
Hello! My name's ...........[twoje imieę] and I'm ....[twój wiek] years old. I live in Poland, in .......[miasto] I live here with my family: my dad - ........[jego imię], my mum - .......[jej imię] and my sister/brother [wybierz - masz brata albo siostrę..?] - .........[jego/jejimię]
My mother's .....[wiek mamy] years old and her job's ..................[kim jest zzawodu]. My father's .... [jego wiek] and his job's ............. [kim jest z zawodu].
My mother is beautifull, her hair are blond and her eyes're brown.
What about you? Have you got brother or sister? And how old are they and you?
Proszę . ; )
Aha, wyrazy, które są w tych nawiasach - to nie pisz ich, napisałam ci po to, żebyś wiedział co wpisać. : )