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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I've heard thatis not gonnago onourdreamtravel.I knowyou do not wantto admit it, butfrom the conversationof our parentsfiguredthatyou do not haveenough moneyto pay forthe trip.Do not feelembarrassed, I wantto help you,becauseI would love tojustgowith youon this journey.
Forour tripwasstillhalfof the month,come up withsomething together!I suspect thatfor surejust likeyour parentsrefuseto borrowmoney.So I haveanother solution!Thesewill earn youmoney!So,let 's getto work,I have some ideas.The first is thedistribution of leaflets, but inthefrostywinteris probably nota goodidea?This mayhelp incleaning upan olderperson in home,we write an announcement,maybe someonewould havereported.Wealso try tohireaneighborhoodcooperativeto clean up the snow?Maybe youalsohave any ideas?For surewe succeed,ifitdoes notlook for anotherexit, whichyou can afford.No matter wherewe goand will be socoolifwe gothere together!
Think aboutmy ideas, and canalsoaddsome of your, answerquickly, we will determinea planand startworking. I'm waiting for your answer.
See you