napisz list na angielski na temat jak spędziłaś ferie zimowe 120-150 słów
Hey Karla. February 2, 2009 Long time not written with them so I decided to speak up:) I wanted to tell you how I spent the winter holidays. So I spent the holidays with her aunt Elizabeth Anglii.Było pretty cool especially since spodkałem Krysia the boy who came to our risen miejsowości holiday. I still went to parties and one party basen.Raz ordered the bruschetta, which is zatruliśmy and all landed in the hospital where we did was to wash rzołądka.To okropne.Ale next day they released us. My aunt also had a good pomysły.Może and do not believe she went with us once the pool and podrywała rescuer, who was with about 25 years. Not bad it looked like 25 year old and 64 year old:) The rest I will tell you how wrócę.Bo I lack words to describe it. P.S. You have a greeting from his aunt, and from Christopher Robin. I should definitely write me how you spent the winter holidays. See you ....