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Dear Mr Kowalski, I live in Warsaw. It's really beautiful place: here are a lot of markets and other big shops. Here are also a lot of sports centres but for all of this great places you have to pay. So what about people, who don't have enough money for having fun? In my opinion the best thing for this will be building some new bike lanes, because now we haven't got any one at my district.
Your scincerelly, Małgorzata Nowak
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Dear sir or madame I'm writing to enqire about cycle parths in our town centre and around the town. Mielec is a avarage (largness) city in south easten part of Poland. There are some intresting places, but everywhere it os necessary to get car or bus. At the least people wouls like to use bicycles for getting about the city traffic in street is making it imposible. Our drivers are unstable so it's very dangerous when someone is cycling on the route in time og heavy traffic on street. Recently one of the drivers has knocked cyclist down and he (cyclist) was very injured. For the reason: we would like to build cycle parths in the centre, and around the town. I would be gratefoul if you send me some information about donate for this operations by our organisation. If youhave any questions about our plans and project please don't hositate to contact with me or my deputy. Yours faithfully.
pozdro. tłumaczenia myśle nie trzeba tekst w miare prosty i zrozumiały :)
I live in Warsaw. It's really beautiful place: here are a lot of markets and other big shops. Here are also a lot of sports centres but for all of this great places you have to pay.
So what about people, who don't have enough money for having fun? In my opinion the best thing for this will be building some new bike lanes, because now we haven't got any one at my district.
Your scincerelly,
Małgorzata Nowak
I'm writing to enqire about cycle parths in our town centre and around the town.
Mielec is a avarage (largness) city in south easten part of Poland. There are some intresting places, but everywhere it os necessary to get car or bus. At the least people wouls like to use bicycles for getting about the city traffic in street is making it imposible. Our drivers are unstable so it's very dangerous when someone is cycling on the route in time og heavy traffic on street. Recently one of the drivers has knocked cyclist down and he (cyclist) was very injured. For the reason: we would like to build cycle parths in the centre, and around the town.
I would be gratefoul if you send me some information about donate for this operations by our organisation. If youhave any questions about our plans and project please don't hositate to contact with me or my deputy.
Yours faithfully.
pozdro. tłumaczenia myśle nie trzeba tekst w miare prosty i zrozumiały :)