Napisz list do szkoły letniej w Oxfordzie, w którym prosisz o informacje dotyczące kursu języka. W liście: -powołaj się na ogłoszenie o kursie zamieszczone w prasie i wyraź swoje zainteresowanie kursem. -zapytaj o liczbę godzin nauki tygodniowo i dowiedz się, czy zajęcia odbywają się w soboty. -poproś o informację na temat organizowanych wycieczek i zapytaj, do jakich miejsc są planowane. -upewnij się, czy można zaprosić przyjaciół na wspomniane wycieczki i podziękuj za poświęcony Ci czas.
Jest to list (min 108 słów) formalny, więc stosujemy: 1) Dear Sir or Madame, 2) I am writing to you.... 3) 4 info 4) Zd. uzupełniające: I look forward to hearing from you soon. 5) Yours sincerely lub faithfully..
I am writing to you, because recently I have come across an article in a local newspaper about Oxford summer schools and since it has drawn my attention and I wish to study in Oxford in the future, I would be very grateful if you could give me some information on the event. Due to the fact that I am a very organized kind of person, I would like to find out how long will the lessons be taking and on average, how many hours a week will we be spending in the lecture halls and will the classes take place on Saturdays as well? Also, would you be able to give me some background information regarding the trips that according to what I’ve read are going to be organized in the summer – I’m most interested in the information regarding the places which we will be visiting. Finally, is it possible for some of my friends to join us during the trips? Of course everything will be paid for normally.
Thank you for you time and I look forward to hear from you soon.
I am writing to you, because recently I have come across an article in a local newspaper about Oxford summer schools and since it has drawn my attention and I wish to study in Oxford in the future, I would be very grateful if you could give me some information on the event. Due to the fact that I am a very organized kind of person, I would like to find out how long will the lessons be taking and on average, how many hours a week will we be spending in the lecture halls and will the classes take place on Saturdays as well? Also, would you be able to give me some background information regarding the trips that according to what I’ve read are going to be organized in the summer – I’m most interested in the information regarding the places which we will be visiting. Finally, is it possible for some of my friends to join us during the trips? Of course everything will be paid for normally.
Thank you for you time and I look forward to hear from you soon.
Yours sincerely