Hey .. How are you...? YesterdayI wasat the cinema with Bob. asyou cometo meI'll goto the gamewith two freetickets , It will begreat fun. How'sit goingat school ? I got a fivefromGermanyand threefromgeography. TomorrowI'm goingto playfootball andI have an appointmentwithMerry at seven o'clock...I greetyoucordially ! You writte to me.!
Hey .. How are you...? YesterdayI wasat the cinema with Bob. asyou cometo meI'll goto the gamewith two freetickets , It will begreat fun. How'sit goingat school ? I got a fivefromGermanyand threefromgeography. TomorrowI'm goingto playfootball andI have an appointmentwithMerry at seven o'clock...I greetyoucordially ! You writte to me.!
Love ... i twoje imię.. ;)