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DAJĘ NAJ...!!!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Santa Claus,
You probably were observing me through the whole year, I hope that you have seen that I was very good. I helped my mum in all the housework and tried really hard at school. I have made some mistakes, but they were very small. I helped my brother with his homework, even tough sometimes it was really hard! This year I even took part in a charity and rased a lot of money for the poor.
This Christmas I would like to get a video camera, so I can film all the great things that will happen. It would be great if I got a stand and a lamp with it, because it would be much easier to use. I would also like a puppy, so it can always be with me, comforting me when I'm sad. I would call him Marco and go out on walks with him, feed him and play games with my puppy.
I hope you can make my wishes come true,
MAm nadzieje, że pomogłam :)
Tekst jest o tym, że byłeś bardzo grzeczny pomagałeś mamie, braciszkowi, starałes się w szkole i brałeś udziału w wydarzeniu charatatywnym. Chcesz dostać kamerę do nagrywania filmów i psa, żeby zawsze był przy tobie.