Napisz list do kolezanki. Musi zawierac informacje : 1 gdzie przebywasz i w jakim celu tam pojechalas 2 czy dobrze sie bawisz - uzasadnij 3 jakie sklepy odwiedzilas (min 3) 4 co kupilas i ile wydalas
Hello *wymyśl imię* I'm still in Poland, but now I'm in bigger city *wymyśl jakieś duże miasto w Polsce np. - Warszawa - Warsaw - Kraków - Krakow* I visited some museums and It was great. I enjoy this day. I'm very happy because I came here. I was shopping. I bought so much things. I was H&M, Adidas and Reserved. I bought two beautiful dresses. One of them is yellow and it has fake flowers on it. Another one is just normal black dress. I like first one more. I bought a shoes too! High-heels. I like them. It's so comfortable. I lose my first purse but there was nothing in it so it was only my luck... I spend like 500 pln. It was not that much. (jeżeli masz w poleceniu by zamienić to to zamień 500 pln w dolary/euro itp) It was great day, but it was worse without you in Poland. *twoje imię i nazwisko*
I'm still in Poland, but now I'm in bigger city *wymyśl jakieś duże miasto w Polsce np. - Warszawa - Warsaw - Kraków - Krakow* I visited some museums and It was great. I enjoy this day. I'm very happy because I came here. I was shopping. I bought so much things. I was H&M, Adidas and Reserved. I bought two beautiful dresses. One of them is yellow and it has fake flowers on it. Another one is just normal black dress. I like first one more. I bought a shoes too! High-heels. I like them. It's so comfortable. I lose my first purse but there was nothing in it so it was only my luck... I spend like 500 pln. It was not that much. (jeżeli masz w poleceniu by zamienić to to zamień 500 pln w dolary/euro itp) It was great day, but it was worse without you in Poland.
*twoje imię i nazwisko*