Napisz list do kolegi z Anglii, w którym opiszesz swoje przygotowania do studniówki. W swoim liście: wyjaśnij koledze, co to jest studniówka poinformuj, gdzie postanowiliście zorganizować swoją studniówkę i dlaczego właśnie tam napisz, jaki masz problem z wyborem osoby towarzyszącej wyraź wątpliwość w sprawie planowanego stroju i poproś kolegę o radę. Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów, pamiętając, że jej długość powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów (nie licząc słów w zdaniach, które są podane). Oceniana jest umiejętność pełnego przekazania informacji (4 punkty), spójność i logika wypowiedzi (2 punkty), bogactwo językowe (2 punkty) oraz poprawność językowa (2 punkty). Podpisz się jako XYZ. CZYSTOPIS
Hey, Tom!Soon the prom and I'll wear a nice red dress that will fit into a polonaise. You do not know what a prom? Before graduation common name for prom, which takes place in approximately one hundred days before the start-up in May maturami.Proms usually take place in January or February. The ball attended by students of matriculation classes with their partners and invited their teachers who taught them for a period of secondary school. Evening dresses normally apply.The first dance is a polonaise, who dance school graduates with invited their partners and sometimes teachers.It is a typical Polish tradition, which does not have any equivalent in the world. In addition to Polish this type balls are held only after the exams. In the Czech Republic on similar terms to the Proms takes place in January or February. The event will be held in the school gym, because there is much space, either in the courtroom country. I think I'll have fun. Keep your fingers crossed for me that I was not mistaken steps in dance. All is well just have a problem with a companion. Maybe you'll want it to be? We will have a good time. My teacher will teach you the steps, in the end is a teacher so you know. I'll help you choose an outfit. Let me know how are thinking about my proposals. Best regards, Ola
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kacpernowak164 Dear Oscar at the beginning of my letter I want you greet today I am preparing for proms and would like you wytumaczyc what tojest.Jest a ball made of approx. 100 days before graduation . Once, gyms , now rents for this purpose any premises . The whole event starts polonaise , odtańczony ( odchodzony rather ) by the students . Students invite accompanying persons may be people from outside the school . And, of course there are also teachers . Dancing, drinking vodka from under the table like. There is also a tradition of having red garters , which are expected to bring good luck for graduation . There is also a superstition that you should not cut their hair between the prom and final exams , because " to chop down themselves to knowledge" .
Dear Oscar at the beginning of my letter I want you greet today I am preparing for proms and would like you wytumaczyc what tojest.Jest a ball made of approx. 100 days before graduation . Once, gyms , now rents for this purpose any premises . The whole event starts polonaise , odtańczony ( odchodzony rather ) by the students . Students invite accompanying persons may be people from outside the school . And, of course there are also teachers . Dancing, drinking vodka from under the table like. There is also a tradition of having red garters , which are expected to bring good luck for graduation . There is also a superstition that you should not cut their hair between the prom and final exams , because " to chop down themselves to knowledge" .