Napisz list do kolegi z Anglii którego zaprosiłeśna wakacje. W liscie zawżyj następujace informacje a) przeproś, że nie odbierzesz go z lotniska podając powód b) poradźjakim środkiem transportu dojedzie do twojego domu i podaj czas podrózy c) zaproponuj formy spędzenia czasu podczas pobytu w Polsce d) poradź jakie ubrania i sprzęt powinien ze sobą zabrać
First of all, I would like to say that I am very sorry, but i can't pick you up from the airport. May I reccomend taking the number 12 bus. It's always on time! The bus arrives at the airport at 6 p.m and it will arrive at a bus stop near my house very quickly, about in 30 mins.
During your stay you can visit many fascinating places, like Tatry, Białowieski National Park (albo park narodowy, jak wolisz) or the benedictine abbey in Tyniec.
You should take some food and water, some shorts, a t-shirt and some suncream to the lovely, warm beaches we have here in Poland
Dear (wpisz imię osoby, do której piszesz list)!
First of all, I would like to say that I am very sorry, but i can't pick you up from the airport. May I reccomend taking the number 12 bus. It's always on time! The bus arrives at the airport at 6 p.m and it will arrive at a bus stop near my house very quickly, about in 30 mins.
During your stay you can visit many fascinating places, like Tatry, Białowieski National Park (albo park narodowy, jak wolisz) or the benedictine abbey in Tyniec.
You should take some food and water, some shorts, a t-shirt and some suncream to the lovely, warm beaches we have here in Poland
Have fun
(podpisz się)