Napisz list do kolegi z Angli, w którym opiszesz swoje ostatnie wakacje:
-napiszesz gdzie byłeś i w jakim terminie;
-napiszesz czy podobał ci sie hotel, w którym mieszkałeś, opisując jego dwie chrakterystyczne cechy;
-napiszesz o przygodzie, która zdarzyła Ci się w czasie pobytu w tej miejscowości, napiszesz jak ona sie zakończyła;
-zaprosisz kolegę wraz z jego dziewczyną na wakacje do polski zapewniając ze odbierzesz ich z lotniska.
Dear Tom, Thank you for your recent letter. I dont written such a long time but I have hodidays and last weeke a came back at home. Recently 2 weeks I was spending in England. I was there with my friends. We were living there in very big hotel. It was great! There was a big swimmingpool and at the highest floor was the cinema. We were sightseeing a lot. One day we have some adventures. We lost in London ! We were a little scarred but finally we found our guide. I have some proposition for you and your girlfriend. I will be very happy if You agree spend with me some days in Poland. I prommise that I will be waiting on You on the airport. I am waiting on your answer. Many Kisses , XYZ
Thank you for your recent letter. I dont written such a long time but I have hodidays and last weeke a came back at home. Recently 2 weeks I was spending in England. I was there with my friends. We were living there in very big hotel. It was great! There was a big swimmingpool and at the highest floor was the cinema. We were sightseeing a lot. One day we have some adventures. We lost in London ! We were a little scarred but finally we found our guide. I have some proposition for you and your girlfriend. I will be very happy if You agree spend with me some days in Poland. I prommise that I will be waiting on You on the airport. I am waiting on your answer.
Many Kisses , XYZ