Napisz list do kolegi w którym napiszesz ze przebywasz w Londynie i pracujesz jako kelner, opisz angielsk rodzine o której mieszkasz, napisz co robisz w tygodniu i w weekendy, napisz kiedy wracasz.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I'm writing to you from London! I found a job - currently, I work as a waiter. I'm earning 500 punds a week.
I live in English Family. They're very friendly and nice. They have got two young children - Sasha and Tom. They're 5 years old. They are sometimes noughty, but I don't mind.:)
At weeks, I work as a waiter from 8-14, then I come home. I eat a dinner, and go to the theatre. It's always a great show! Really! And, at about 20, I go to the night club, and go sleep at about 3 o'clock :).
But at the weekend, I usually go to the cafe or shopping. I like going to the Harrods - it's a fantastic place ! You must be here :)
I'll back 24. April.
See you soon,
Myślę, że pomogłam. :)
Liczę na naj.:*:)