Napisz list do kolegi o tym jak spedziles ostatni weekend.
1podziekuj za pocztowke i przepros ze nieodpisales.
2 napisz o 2 rzeczach ktore robiles podczas weekendu.
3 Napisz z kim i gdzie spedziles weekend.
4 przekaz pozdrowienia dla rodzicow i popros o szybka odowiedz.
To ma byc na 120-150 slow ale mniej tez moze byc prosze o pomoc
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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dear John!
How are you my friend? I hope everything is going great in your life.
Thank you for a card you sent to me, it was really nice of you. I'm so sory I didn't reply but I had a very busy week. Last weekend was crazy. Saturday I had my friend's birthday party. it started at 6p.m in local pizzeria and finished at 2.30a.m in one of student's clubs. We were dancing all night long and had so much fun! Then Sunday I had to study for my maths and biology tests on Monday. My grandparents came over for a family dinner and Grandfather promissed me car if I will have a good grades in last year of highschool. isn't it exciting?
One more time I hope everything is ok. please givemy best regards to your parents. I'm waiting for your quick reply.
take care!