Napisz list do kolegi (dłuższa forma wypowiedzi) 1. opisz projekt który przygotowywałęś w szkole i podaj jego temat 2.z kim ten projekt przygotowywałęś i jaki problem zaistaniał w trakcie 3. jak 1 osoba pomogla ci go rozwiaqzac i czemu cie to zaskoczyło 4.jaką ocenę dostałeś i jak nauczycielka cie wyroznila
1. On Monday I made a project about .... That's project had a most significance by my final grade. When I made this project I had to very thought. I made this project on yellow card a size A4. 2. Project made with me a .... We had a problem with a arranged ours photos and texts, who write a texts and who going to present him, but in the end we reach a settlement. 3. nie rozumiem pytania 4. I with my friend got a 5+. My teacher a distinguish us because we did this project oneself. She praised us and she told: you should follow sb's example of them.
2. Project made with me a .... We had a problem with a arranged ours photos and texts, who write a texts and who going to present him, but in the end we reach a settlement.
3. nie rozumiem pytania
4. I with my friend got a 5+. My teacher a distinguish us because we did this project oneself. She praised us and she told: you should follow sb's example of them.