Napisz list do koleżanki z Anglii, opisując organizację ekologów, do której niedawno wstąpiłeś. Długość listu 120-150 słów: -przeproś że nie pisałeś, podaj powód -poinformuj koleżankę, do jakiej organizacji należysz, i podaj przykłady jej działalności na rzecz ochrony środowiska -wyjaśnij czym się zajmujesz i czy ci się tam podoba -zasugeruj koleżance, by wstąpiła do podobnej organizacji w Anglii, i podaj uzasadnienie. (list nieoficjalny)
Dear Helen, How are you? I'm so sorry I haven't written for so long. It was a nice surprise to hear from you again after so many months.
I'm in Polish Ecology Organization. We are cleaning the streets, organizing street demonstration, going to schools and talking with children about ecology. Instead we are in capital city and talk with president about our organization. I'm writting a letters to the people about 'how we can help our Earth'. I'm giving a tips people. I'm so happy that I'm in this organization. People are so easy- going and helping. You too can be in organization in your country. You'll be so happy that you can help.
Well that's all my news. Give my regards to your parents. Looking forward to hearing from you.
How are you? I'm so sorry I haven't written for so long. It was a nice surprise to hear from you again after so many months.
I'm in Polish Ecology Organization. We are cleaning the streets, organizing street demonstration, going to schools and talking with children about ecology. Instead we are in capital city and talk with president about our organization. I'm writting a letters to the people about 'how we can help our Earth'. I'm giving a tips people. I'm so happy that I'm in this organization. People are so easy- going and helping. You too can be in organization in your country. You'll be so happy that you can help.
Well that's all my news. Give my regards to your parents. Looking forward to hearing from you.
All the best,