Napisz list do koleżanki, w którym:
-zapytasz ją o to, czy chciałaby pójść z tobą na koncert
-zaproponuj, że kupisz bilety
-zapytasz o dogodny dla nie termin.
Błaaaagam pomóżcie ! ;pp
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I haven't seen you for a while. What's new? Do you enjoy your new school?
I read about the concerts, which take place in the theather everyday for the next month.
Would you like to come there with me? Shall I buy the tickets if you would like to come?
Last thing I want to ask about is term. Is next weekend okay for you?
I hope you will agree and we will see each other soon.
Love, ZYX
Hi Iza
Thanks for you last email. How are things going ?
Would you like togowith meto the concert?Do not worry abouttickets.Demandit.Whenyou havefree time?Set adateand I willadjust.Have you done anything exciting recently ?Say helb to your familly !LoveXYZ.