Napisz list do Gavina, który będzie w twoim mieście i odwiedzi cię. Uwzględnij w nim :
- Na jakiej stacji musi wysiąść by trafić do twojego domu
- Czy jest tam autobus
- Gdzie się wybierzecie
- Jakie musi wziąć ze sobą ubrania
- Jaka będzie pogoda
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi Gavin,
I can't wait to see you again! We will go to the cinema, to the swimming pool and to the shopping centre. I'm sure we will have a great time! It is going to be hot, so you should take with you some shorts and short-sleeved t-shirts and you can't forget to take your trunks. There is a bus in my town, you have to get off at Poznań Główny Station, I will be waiting for you. See you soon!