My name is....Ilive in Poland.I assure youthat this is abeautiful country.The firstPolish capital,was the city ofGnieznoandCracow.Finally,the remainingcapital ofWarsaw, whichis the largest cityin Poland.My countryis locatedin Central Europeonthe borderwith Germany,the Czech Republic andUkraine.On thesouthern Polishisbalticseaandmountainsin the north ofthe Sudetes andthe Carpathians.Youused tocomehere.I'll tell youeverythingin more detailandguidesyouthrough the most beautifulsurroundings.
My name is....Ilive in Poland.I assure youthat this is abeautiful country.The firstPolish capital,was the city ofGnieznoandCracow.Finally,the remainingcapital ofWarsaw, whichis the largest cityin Poland.My countryis locatedin Central Europeonthe borderwith Germany,the Czech Republic andUkraine.On thesouthern Polishisbalticseaandmountainsin the north ofthe Sudetes andthe Carpathians.Youused tocomehere.I'll tell youeverythingin more detailandguidesyouthrough the most beautifulsurroundings.
Yours.... (name)