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Catholic Church usually celebrates Easter in April. It is the springtime Christian festival, a very specific period of time for all the believers. At Easter we celebrate Christ’s Resurrection, and His victory over death and sin. Easter egg is a symbol of new life. On Easter Sunday we meet our relatives for a festive breakfast. Kids get the sweets Easter Bunny had left them, and sometimes look for chocolate eggs hidden in the house. People wish one another “Happy Easter” (“Wesołego Alleluja” in Poland) and have an occasion to talk together, too. Easter Monday is celebrated by the Poles only. That day everyone can expect to be drenched with water, at least once. Generally speaking, Easter is a time of happiness and rebirth.
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Easter is the central religious feast in the Christian liturgical year. According to Christian scripture, Jesus was resurrected from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion. Some Christians celebrate this resurrection on Easter Day or Easter Sunday. Two days after Good Friday and three days after Maundy Thursday. Traditional Easter celebrations in Poland are as old and elaborate as Christmas celebrations and they involve a lot of preparations. One week before Palm Sunday, housewives stopped baking bread through the fear that the bread they baked throughout the rest of the year would spoil. Not until the Holy Week did they start baking. In some parts they began to do so on Good Friday, in others- it was not permitted to bake anything at all that day. If any housewife violated this ban, the entire village would be in danger of a long drought, which could be repelled only by throwing the pots and guilty housewife into a pond.
According to Christian scripture, Jesus was resurrected from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion.
Some Christians celebrate this resurrection on Easter Day or Easter Sunday.
Two days after Good Friday and three days after Maundy Thursday.
Traditional Easter celebrations in Poland are as old and elaborate as Christmas celebrations and they involve a lot of preparations.
One week before Palm Sunday, housewives stopped baking bread through the fear that the bread they baked throughout the rest of the year would spoil.
Not until the Holy Week did they start baking. In some parts they began to do so on Good Friday, in others- it was not permitted to bake anything at all that day.
If any housewife violated this ban, the entire village would be in danger of a long drought, which could be repelled only by throwing the pots and guilty housewife into a pond.