napisz krótkie wypracowanie na temat : przepisy w polsce
uwzględnij od ilu lat można:
-pracować na pełny etat
-porzucić szkołę
-głosować w wyborach
-pójśc do wojska
-wyjść za mąż
-prowadzić samochód
-wyprowadzić się z domu
-zmienić nazwisko
-wykonać tatuaż
mają być pełne zdania
please napiszcie o każdych podpunktach
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Laws in the Poland are very specific. For not observe their threatens penatlies. If you want to work full time you must be 18 years old. The same age aplies when you want to leave a school. If mean about voting in elections you need to be of age. But when you want to go to the army, you have to be when you finish high school- so about 18 too.
If you wanna drive a car you need driver license, but to do this you must be an adult. As to move out from your house, about this decide your parents. When you wanna get married you need be an adult. But maybe you wanna change your surname? So you must be at least 18.. Everyone know, that there is a trend on tattos. If you want to do this, you need consent your parenst.