Napisz krótkie wydarzenia z życia wymyślonej osoby w czasie przeszłym. Użyj minimum 7 fraz z zadania 1. (coś w stylu życiorysu)
Frazy z zadania 1:
be born grow up go to school leave school learn to drive go to university get a job fall in love get married buy a house have children grow old make friends move house
Martin Black was born in 1981. He grew up in a small town near London. When he was 5 he went to school. After finishing his school he went to university in London. He studied history. He got a degree and got a job. He worked as a history teacher in primary school. Then he met Susan and fell in love with her. The got married two years later and had two children.
Martin Black was born in 1981. He grew up in a small town near London. When he was 5 he went to school. After finishing his school he went to university in London. He studied history. He got a degree and got a job. He worked as a history teacher in primary school. Then he met Susan and fell in love with her. The got married two years later and had two children.