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minimum pół strony zeszytowej ;)
na teraz ;d szybkkooo ;p
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Yesterday I went with my dog for a walk.
When I left my flat I heard that raining outside.
I back to my flat and took umbrella.
I went to park with my dog. When we walk I sow a young girl siting on the bench.
She was crying. I walked to her and ask what happened. She told me, that she lost her dog and she did'nt know where he is. I suggest that I will help her to find he. She agreed. Me and my dog were searching her dog for a long time. Then I heard a bark. I looked back and I sow a dog. He's big and dark. I shouted to girl and call her. She recognized this dog and she smileing. This dog was her dog. She thanks me for a long time and invite me to a pizza. We went to a Pizza Bar and spend a nice time together.
While walking the dog I saw many big and small cars, had a variety of colors: blue, red, purple. Looking at them I did not notice that wdepnęłam in a great pile of dog! I did not know what was going to do so many people instinctively jumped into the bushes so as not to have noticed what I have on the bottom of the shoe. Finally, she wiped the grass is a big stinking pile but unfortunately some were so I went to the store for a handkerchief and wiped. Then I went further with a dog walk.
Proszę bardzo mój wymysł . :D
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