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Piłka odbita,
w bramke wbita,
meksykanska fala sie zaczyna,
druzyne na duchu podtrzyma,
dwa do jednego, moj drogi kolego.
Polska wygrywa,
Polska mistrzem Europy!
No co ty...
There was once a man from Poland
who played football in the air and on sand
When he kicked the ball in the air
The fans shouted 'it isn't quite fair!'
'The goals aren't in the air but on land!'
Let's play a ball game: football, valleyball, tennis - don't you want babe?
I don't mind at all dear pall, wait ... I'm not sure ... maybe ...?
How can you wonder? Don't you want to play with me? Answer truly please!
I'm as frank as a monk. Go and eat your cheese!
a short poem
Cluck, cluck guys, Euro is cool
the football flies so high
Let's sing together - don't be a fool
It isn't time to be shy.
Był sobie raz Polak mały
co grał w piłkę nożną dzien cały.
Gdy zaczął się mecz
on poszedł hen precz
pomimo, że fanki płakały.
sorry, bo wcześniej pomyliło mi się z angielskim :)