Napisz krotką notatkę na temat zakupów przez internet uwzględniając plusy i minusy tego - Po angielsku. Na teraz błagam pomóżcie <3
Online shopping becomes more and more popular. Why? First of all it's very comfortable. You don't have to leave your house - you just browse the Internet and then your shopping comes to you on its own! Moreover you have a great choice of products and shops so you can always find what you need! However, you cannot see that in real life, or e.g. try it on, so you can never be sure if the thing is appropriate. Furthermore there is always a risk that your shopping will be damaged and solving that problem (sending back, waiting for another shipping), usually lasts very long. When you are in a shop, you can always check if the thing is safe and sound.
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domciadddOnline shopping is fun because you can np.licytować things, buy things by half cheaper and above all do not have to leave the house. I am doing shopping on the Internet because I weld it fun. Things on the internet are great. I encourage everyone to buy things and clothes on the internet.