Napisz krotką historyjkę w czasie przeszłym np o sobie, co robiłeś wczoraj, ostatniego wekendu! What happened to you?-Co sie wydarzyło? ma być w formie przeszłej jakby ktoś zrobił to byłabym bardzo wdzięczna tej osobie i oczywiście dam jej naj
I was at the store yesterday. I bought ice cream. Unfotunately they dissolved and I couldn't eat them so I was sad. When i got home I watched the movie "Harry Potter" and then i studied math.
I was at the store yesterday. I bought ice cream. Unfotunately they dissolved and I couldn't eat them so I was sad. When i got home I watched the movie "Harry Potter" and then i studied math.
mam nadzieję że dobrze<3