Napisz krótką historyjkę o jednej z tych osób
- a typical Joe Average from your town
- a relative or friend with an interesting life story
- yourself
Chodzi o taką historyjkę życiową, że np. poszedł na studia, wziął ślub, miał dzieci, coś tam robił w życiu, coś tam się działo i zmarł lub można jakoś inaczej to wymyślić. Muszą być napisane odczucia, wrażenia i jakieś zakończenie musi być, minimum 15 zdań. Jeszcze trzeba użyć takich słowek: after that, after, after a few months itp. Proszę o tłumaczenie Polskie i Angielskie.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I like my family, but someone knows how did I marry with my wife. I will tell you.
I was a very good, strange, handsome teenager. The girls very like me and some love me. Most of them I didn't like, but when I was 16 I went to the studies. I fall in love with (podaj jakieś imię przyjmę Natalia). She was beautiful, cheerful and very helpful. I haven't got courage to said her that I have loved her. For 5 years I looked on her and I coun't say, what do I feel? In 26 year, my friend encourage me to tell her. She was really surpised, but proved that she loved me too. Two years later, I won (podaj coś). I was really happy from this event. In this time I declared her. She accepted. I jumped from my happines. Now, I have got 2 children and they called Bartek i Iwona. I love them.
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