Malbork Castle(German:MarienburgOrdensburg) -three-partstrongholdin the Gothic stylewith a capacity ofmore than 250 000m³.It consists oflow-castle,castle,middle andhigh castle.This is oneof the largest survivingGothic architectureteamsin the world.The original name ofthe castleused bythe Teutonic Knightswas,Marienburg, theCastleMary.Since 14 September1309 to1457Castle inMalborkwas the seat ofthe Grand Masterof the Teutonic Knights, and the citythe capital ofthe monastic state.
Malbork Castle (German: Marienburg Ordensburg) - three-partstronghold in the Gothic style with a capacity of more than 250 000 m³. It consists of low-castle, castle, middle and high castle.This is one of the largest surviving Gothic architecture teams in the world. The original name of the castle used by the Teutonic Knights was, Marienburg, the Castle Mary. Since 14 September1309 to 1457 Castle in Malbork was the seat of the Grand Master of the Teutonic Knights, and the city the capital of the monastic state.