Napisz kilka zdań (około 10) opisujących Departmental meeting (Spotkanie Przedstawicieli Działów).
The purposes of a meeting The collegial nature of universities leads them to function in large measure through meetings, and one of the most important responsibilities of a head is to chair departmental meetings and make them as productive as possible. Meetings are helpful when they provide an opportunity for people to share information, make announcements, or engage in departmental decision-making – but they can be detrimental if instead they are used to create obstacles for others, display status or power, or support work-avoidance by substituting endless discussion for action. Chairing a meeting gives the head access to other unobtrusive levers of power: To determine when, where, and under what conditions a meeting is held To decide who shall attend To prepare the agenda and determine how agenda items are to be worded To structure where on the agenda an item will be placed To determine the order in which various participants are recognised to speak To initiate action To keep and distribute minutes To focus the discussion To call people out of order To decide when the meeting should be terminated.