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We sometimes have porridge for brekfast but we usually have ...
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Nie mam pojęcia, co to jest za zadanie, ale skoro polecenie brzmi "napisz kilka zdań o posiłkach" to zgaduję, że książka nie będzie potrzebna.
We sometimes have porridge for brekfast but usually we have just corn flakes and some sandwiches with cheese and tomatoes. Occasionally, we also make some scrambled eggs or fried banans in Nutella, but that's when we have a mood for a sweet breakfast and it happens most usually on weekends. Personally, I like mostly scrambled eggs. They taste great, particularly when we fortify it with onion or ham.
usually we have - inwersja zdania, tak brzmi ładniej
to forify = urozmaicać (w przypadku jedzenia)
scrambled eggs = jajecznica