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Klaudia80AlexanderGrahamBell(March 3,1847 inEdinburgh, d. August 2, 1922atBeinnBhreagh, Nova Scotia, Canada) -Scottishinventor of thetelephone anddozens of otherinventionsof telecommunications.He was aspeech therapistandmusic teacher. Graham Bellwas also aco-founder oftwo well-knownmagazinesScienceandNational Geographic.ThomasAlvaEdison (born 11 February 1847,d.October 18, 1931)- one of thebest known and mostcreative inventorsin the world, the entrepreneur. The achievements ofestablishedandadministered bythelaboratoriesisabout 5000patents, of which 1093areissuedin his name. The founder ofthe prestigiousscientific journalScience(1880). Self-taught, since 1927a member of theNational Academy of Sciencesin Washington.Among theinventions:BellTelephoneimprovementusingan induction coiland thecarbonmicrophone,the phonograph(1877),patented theelectriclight bulb(1879), in the years 1891 to 1900he workedon improvingmethodsof magneticironore, and in 1883he discoveredthe issuetermoelektronową, in 1904 built abatterynickel-iron alkaline. Organizedin Menlo Park,the world's firstinstitute ofscientific and technical research, builtin1881-1882in New Yorkthe world's firstpublicpower plantuse,was the owner ofseveralbusinesses in North Americaand Europe.
Graham Bell was also a co-founder of two well-known magazinesScience and National Geographic.Thomas Alva Edison (born 11 February 1847, d. October 18, 1931)- one of the best known and most creative inventors in the world, the entrepreneur. The achievements of established and administered by the laboratories is about 5000 patents, of which 1093 are issuedin his name. The founder of the prestigious scientific journalScience (1880).
Self-taught, since 1927 a member of the National Academy of Sciences in Washington. Among the inventions: Bell Telephoneimprovement using an induction coil and the carbon microphone,the phonograph (1877), patented the electric light bulb (1879), in the years 1891 to 1900 he worked on improving methods of magneticiron ore, and in 1883 he discovered the issue termoelektronową, in 1904 built a battery nickel-iron alkaline. Organized in Menlo Park,the world's first institute of scientific and technical research, built in1881-1882 in New York the world's first public power plant use, was the owner of several businesses in North America and Europe.