One dayI went tothe cinemafor a film(film title).Ticketsalreadybought aweek agosonotworried aboutspace.That same daymy parentswentto the cinemaforanother movie.WhenI gavea ticketto the controlwould notlet me.Okazłothathe took oneofthe parentsof tickets.Momanddadwas sickhewentto the moviesand Iwatchedwith hima differentmoviethanI wanted.
I wentto the moviesbecause theywantedme togo outbecauseI was notlong ago,there was a lotof differentmoviesbutI wanted togo outineclipse,butI cameto the halltworoomtworeleasesinOblivion,scared, butthismovie wasfajnieszyfrom thatwhichI wanted towatch the
One dayI went tothe cinemafor a film(film title).Ticketsalreadybought aweek agosonotworried aboutspace.That same daymy parentswentto the cinemaforanother movie.WhenI gavea ticketto the controlwould notlet me.Okazłothathe took oneofthe parentsof tickets.Momanddadwas sickhewentto the moviesand Iwatchedwith hima differentmoviethanI wanted.
I wentto the moviesbecause theywantedme togo outbecauseI was notlong ago,there was a lotof differentmoviesbutI wanted togo outineclipse,butI cameto the halltworoomtworeleasesinOblivion,scared, butthismovie wasfajnieszyfrom thatwhichI wanted towatch the