Napisz historie po Angielsku o jakiejs klesce zywiolowej np ,powodz pozar tornado. Jak ludzie musza sobie radzic
Nowadays man is waiting to many dangers, and their number is constantly growing. For me, the most feared may include, among others, armed conflicts, terrorist attacks, natural disasters, television, various addictions, environmental pollution, famine, and violence in the family.For me, the most serious threat to the twenty-first century are armed conflicts. Every year around the world, hundreds of thousands of people die as a result of taking place in the area of war. The saddest thing is that warfare contribute to the progress of military technology. The great powers such as Russia and the United States, trying to outdo each other in the construction of more modern weapons. A toxic gas, supersonic aircraft or submarines - these inventions have been created for the army to strike the enemy more effectively. If not for the war, would probably not invented nuclear weapons, used, among others, to the destruction of Hiroshima in 1945. Today, the atomic bomb is used only as a bogey, and its possession is regulated by armed superpower. While countries with this type of weapon had to sign an agreement on disarmament, but after the collapse of the USSR "forgotten" about the case. As far as Russia and the United States, you can be sure that they will not use the military power of the atomic bomb. In the case of the Arab states there is no such certainty.Another danger is, in turn, terrorist attacks. In recent times, especially after September 11, 2001, the media began to extensively discuss the issue of terrorism. The public uproar, and people felt threatened. Certainly, such a state of things contributed to an unprecedented attack on the World Trade Center in New York, although the bombers gave themselves felt before. Terrorism is, in the light of the definition in the "Big dictionary of foreign words PWN", "actions of individuals or groups attempting through acts of terrorism, for example. Bombings, political assassinations and kidnappings, State governments enforce certain concessions". These activities are carried out in a manner overbearing, using a variety of methods such as psychological pressure, physical force, the use of various types of weapons and explosives. To intensify the effect of sowing terror organizations also use propaganda. The ordinary man sees terrorism as an attack on life, frightening threats or attempt to break his psyche by inducing anxiety. Against terrorism is difficult to defend itself alone, so it is important to combine forces of many countries. Basically attacks are organized with the aim of as many victims and can happen anywhere, eg. In the subway, on a ship, on the plane. Many people think that such a thing as terrorism in general should not exist. Note, however, that the main cause of the spread of this kind of action is poverty and the desire to break the hegemony of superpowers. Today, terrorism has adopted a very inhuman form. Bombers do not stop on sending threatening letters, but planting explosive devices, use biological and chemical weapons, and even do not hesitate to sacrifice human life, what we have seen on 11 September 2001. It is easy to weigh the birthplace of terrorism are underdeveloped Third World countries, for example. Afghanistan, where fighting is taking place for centuries among the indigenous peoples of the country and the people of Zion, who settled in frontier areas. Between the two nations still new disputes arise as a result of their terrorist attacks. It is worth noting that the Jews gained support among some countries which can not be said about Afgańczykach. In this situation, the citizens of Afghanistan, the people mostly poor and uneducated, not seeing a better solution, they began to resort to terrorist attacks, which attempt to focus the attention of the whole world. The easiest way to condemn such behavior, but on the other hand, it is not surprising to those who've never seen an iron or fridge, not to mention your computer. Those who can only dream of prosperity, living in mud huts.Terrorism is a complex problem that can not be solved by using only the armed forces. In my opinion, do not settle for a mindless condemnation of terrorism, but first try to help less developed countries to provide their citizens access to food, medicine and other necessities.While we can protect themselves from war and terrorist attacks against natural disasters is no escape. While it is possible to predict their occurrence and evacuate the vulnerable population, which does not change the fact that disasters disasters are one of the most serious dangers to humans. For the most tragic consequences include: floods, fires, tornadoes, tornados, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions. These elements even today evoke terror in man and leave his vulnerability to the power of nature. Just could remember the floods ravaging our country to see the image full of struggle and despair with the element of water in the defense of their possessions, and sometimes even their lives.Television, in turn, is another type of threat than war, terrorist attacks and natural disasters. In my view, TV can be divided into an educational and entertaining, which would include criminal movies, horror movies, thrillers or soap operas like "Fashion for success". It is not hard to guess that the films and educational programs bring viewers more benefit than others. Watching nature films, documentaries, scientific, man not only enjoys relaxing but at the same time gaining a lot of interesting information which is in vain to look for in books and textbooks. Although we can have pictures, but would not it be preferable to see the object in motion, and even hear it? The advantage of television over other mass media is manifested in the fact that when viewing use almost all the senses, making the impression that we are in a place that we see on the screen. What are the benefits we derive from television? It relaxes us and helps relieve the tension that builds up in a person during the whole day of hard work. Of interest to us, we can record programs on video tape or DVD, even if we are not at home, and watch them later. This saves a lot of time, which is usually still have too little. So much for the benefits. Unfortunately, the TV also has its drawbacks. Perhaps there are more than advantages. In recent times, more and more we hear about the increase in the number of crimes committed by young people. I mean not only the eighteenth or dziewiętnastolatków, as more and more offenses carry children attending primary school or secondary school. Most often they do not understand that life is not an animated film where the characters come alive even with the greatest every difficult spot. Watching interesting action film, a man often loses touch with the real world. In fact, you can be addicted to television. Such a compulsive looker behaves as if he had his world. She stares at the screen, it's hard to talk to him because all his attention is focused on the fate of the characters in the film and TV series. Such a person usually can not cope with the proper celebration of the formulation and longer utterances. His vocabulary losing very much because listening without interruption the same phrases, understandable even for the largest illiterate, his vocabulary at all does not extend. It's probably all known defects me on TV. It is worth to remember about the deterioration of vision due to move on too long watching TV.Watching TV can both shape and destroy man and his personality. Of programs watched by us will be highly depended on what kind of people we will: the wise and rozumiejącymi world ignorant or lacking sensitivity.Today, young people have a lot of problems that are not always cope, seeking solace in alcohol and drugs. Much of the young people fall into the habit as a result of being in the wrong company. Colleagues often put pressure on someone who has not tried alcohol or cigarettes. First time with a drug is sometimes dangerous, because it is very easy to make. Addictions in an incredibly short period of time can cause adverse effects in the body. Also lead to social degradation. Addicts almost always fall into crime. When they start to run out of money, engage in a home production of drugs, and when that is not enough, moving to the falsification of prescriptions, and even more severe crimes. Statistics show a very high mortality rate of people addicted. Drug addicts usually die of drug overdose or HIV infection. Addicts are difficult patients. Often fail to completely cure them.Young people frequently go back to alcohol. In Poland the number of regular drinkers is about 4.5 million, of which about 700,000 are alcoholics addiction. Alcoholism very quickly leads to unfavorable changes in the body, which is best seen in adolescents who have a long time to get drunk alcohol. Alcohol is also the cause of mental disorders. People addicted to alcohol completely unable to cope in life. Isolate themselves, spending more and more time in isolation. This attitude makes the society ceases to interest them. After years of drunkenness roll to the bottom, losing literally everything: home, family, friends and acquaintances. Saved money spent on buying the cheapest wines. When I did not have enough to live, moving to steal. They live on the streets, sleeping under a bridge, and in the winter szwendają at railway stations and stairways, where they are often driven away. If you even try to find a job and start a normal life, it is a flash in the pan. Sometimes trying to make some money by working for very low rates. Once they succeed, all spent on alcohol, and then again go back to the old way of life. Steal, join the gangs, drowning in debt. If no one will give them a chance, will strikethrough. Nothing in life do not reach.Alcohol and reaching for various types of drugs for all people, regardless of gender, age, race, and education.The use of chemicals in various areas of life makes a person almost everywhere is in contact with dangerous poisons him. In developed countries, every third person suffers from allergies. There are unprecedented skin diseases. The researchers speculate that the reason for these conditions can be accumulated toxins in our bodies. New chemical compounds generally tested on rabbits, mice and other animals, but no one can predict how your body will react to them human. Also threatens our health, air pollution complete. Most often it is causing respiratory diseases, and even vision defects. Are extremely dangerous pollution caused by the emission of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere. Who would not want to live in a perfectly clean environment? Sorry - technical progress is closely related to the interference in the environment, which we are a part. Whereas stop the devastation of the environment, people need to more closely monitor the development of the world which gives us every day more and more new developments, quite apart from the protection of our planet.Another problem threatening the world is the wave of hunger in underdeveloped countries. As is clear from the statistics of the World Bank, in the nineties of the twentieth century because of hunger suffered about 800 million people. The biggest harvest collects hunger in Africa, which determine, in addition to natural disasters, civil wars, eg. In Somalia or Rwanda. It is anticipated that threatens world famine, if time is not taken appropriate action. This is the main problem of many international organizations. In the framework of the UN work .: Organization of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Association for the Fight Against Hunger (ASCOFAM). In 1975 the system was created Global Information and Early Warning, and International Intervention Food Reserve. These organizations are created with the support of, among others, World Bank, the International Monetary Fund. Their task is to develop programs to accelerate the dynamics of food production in areas that have a chance to become the "breadbasket of the world", and which now, as a result of the economic crisis, are forced to import food.Considering the whole world, it's hard to talk about the lack of food, as some countries do not know what to do with the excess, where to store surplus food. To the doctors record increase in the number of obese people in highly developed societies.Recently in the media more and more talk about all kinds of family risks. Alarmingly increasing number of dysfunctional families, which are a hotbed of crime among juveniles. Increasingly, publicized a matter of domestic violence. Parents have less and less time for their children. Most of us do not realize the consequences caused by a bad atmosphere in the house. Tormented by the parents the child will be as an adult to do the same with their children. With this problem very hard to deal with, because apparently "normal" family can really be a hotbed of violence. Family threat in my opinion a very complex problem mainly due to the fact that so many times. decent families are really pathological families.In his work, only limited myself to present some dangers lurking on the XXI century man. I think that you need to differentiate between those that harm the physical health of those that affect the psyche. It is unfortunate that a large number of hazards can not be simply eliminated. I wonder what will be the world in the future, if today we have to take the fight against many dangers, which is constantly growing.