Napisz. historię ze swojego życia jakkomś tragedię. np.jak miałam wypadek lub jak dentysta chciał mnie zabic jakie. kolwiek wymyślone ?!!!! 130-150 słów. to ma być po angielsku PS nie wysylaj mi żadnych taki : napisz se w google lub na google tłumacz !!!!!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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jest to moja prawdziwa historia, która sie wydarzyła... mi i Maksowi
when I was7 yearsI got to knowMax.he was my age.we werefriends.We playedtogether anice timeand spent.years passed.It's been10 years of ourfriendship.I alwaysunderstood, we haddifficult situationsat home.Max'sparents aredivorcedand do nottakecareoftheir son'slife.Maxhad acardiacarrhythmia, and I knewfromone daytokill him,becausehe spentwith himas much as possibletime.Whenwe were14 years old,Max'ssistertook himto London, because theparentswere not concerned aboutMax'shealth.It washard tomebecause he waslike a brotherto me.Maksdancebreak dancefor 7 years.and Londoncontinued todance.Sometimeshe had a problembecausehehad sufferedcardiac wasFeb. 9.On this day,maxafter returning fromtraininghe hadto talkwith me onskype.But do notcome back....I was wonderingwhy, I thoughtthe internetitdoes not work.The next dayshe called meand toldhis sisterthatMaxis dead.It turned outthat whenhe came home,hitby a car.Maxnotsurvivedthe accident anddiedon the spot.It's been 10monthssinceMaxis deadand weepsat night, becauseI miss him...