Na wakacje pojechalabym do Franci poniewaz bardzo bym chciala zobaczyc wieze Eiffla i inne zabytki. Podobno jest tam bardzo interesujaco. Na wieze Eiffla mozna wejsc albo schodami i zobaczyc widokosc z kazdej odleglosci, ale, mozna tez pojechac windom i sie tak nie menczyc skoro wieza Eiffla ma dokladnie 324m. Sa tam tagze piekne hotele.
Tlumaczenie na Angielski.
For my school holiday i would really like to travel to France because i would love to see the Eiffel tower and other really AWESOME places. To go up the Eiffel tower you can go by stairs and watch the world from all kinds of hights and you can go by the lift / elevator and not be so much scared or sweaty of not really being bothered to go up. The Eiffle tower 324m. There is also great hotels in there.
Na wakacje pojechalabym do Franci poniewaz bardzo bym chciala zobaczyc wieze Eiffla i inne zabytki. Podobno jest tam bardzo interesujaco. Na wieze Eiffla mozna wejsc albo schodami i zobaczyc widokosc z kazdej odleglosci, ale, mozna tez pojechac windom i sie tak nie menczyc skoro wieza Eiffla ma dokladnie 324m. Sa tam tagze piekne hotele.
Tlumaczenie na Angielski.
For my school holiday i would really like to travel to France because i would love to see the Eiffel tower and other really AWESOME places. To go up the Eiffel tower you can go by stairs and watch the world from all kinds of hights and you can go by the lift / elevator and not be so much scared or sweaty of not really being bothered to go up. The Eiffle tower 324m. There is also great hotels in there.