Napisz emiala... Przyjaciel, którego poznałeś w szkole językowej w Londynie napisał do ciebie maila. Zawiera on w sobie linki do stron ze świetną muzyką oraz że oblał swój ostateczny egzamin z angielskiego. Napisz odpowiedź (80-130 słów). - podziękuj mu za linki i powiedz jaka muzyka najbardziej ci się spodobała. - powiedz, co ci się ostatnio przydarzyło - wyraź współczucie z powodu egzaminu i napisz, że następnym razem na pewno zda. - Zaproś go na spotkanie i powiedz mu co będziecie razem robić
Hi Jace, Thanks for your letter I was waiting for it since we met lat time. It's great to hear that you're doing good! I've opened these links with music you send me and I really love it! I've found there so many good band, song that I can't stop listening to them. You have a really good taste of music. About the exam. I' m really sorry that you didn't pass it at the first time but I'm sure that you're going to pass it very well the next time and you will be proud of yourself! I'm doing great here, it's really funny in my school and I have many good friends. But I still miss the thing we did toghether in class. I would like to invite you to my house in Poland for a week! It would be a lot of fun! I could show you so many interesting thing here. Waiting for you letter and the answer if you can come! Good luck, xyz
1 votes Thanks 1
Dear Mike How are you? I've just visited websites,which you sent to me.It's really good music. I liked Elie Golding especially her last song. I also like song of Adele and Robin schulz. They are great songers. I want to tell you something. I had some unpleasant accident recently. I rode on bike and some car hit me. Fortuntelly everything is allright. I feel little pain in my leg but it's only bruise. How about you. I'm really sorry to heat about you last exams. I'm sure you' pass this exam next time.I have to go. I'll write to me if everything went smoothly. Take care xyz
Thanks for your letter I was waiting for it since we met lat time. It's great to hear that you're doing good!
I've opened these links with music you send me and I really love it! I've found there so many good band, song that I can't stop listening to them. You have a really good taste of music.
About the exam. I' m really sorry that you didn't pass it at the first time but I'm sure that you're going to pass it very well the next time and you will be proud of yourself!
I'm doing great here, it's really funny in my school and I have many good friends. But I still miss the thing we did toghether in class. I would like to invite you to my house in Poland for a week! It would be a lot of fun! I could show you so many interesting thing here.
Waiting for you letter and the answer if you can come!
Good luck,
How are you? I've just visited websites,which you sent to me.It's really good music. I liked Elie Golding especially her last song. I also like song of Adele and Robin schulz. They are great songers.
I want to tell you something. I had some unpleasant accident recently. I rode on bike and some car hit me. Fortuntelly everything is allright. I feel little pain in my leg but it's only bruise.
How about you. I'm really sorry to heat about you last exams. I'm sure you' pass this exam next time.I have to go. I'll write to me if everything went smoothly.
Take care