Napisz emaila do kolegi po angielsku że zgubiłem klucze w 50 słowach Napisz mu : - Gdzie zgubiłem te klucze(np. w Parku) - W jakich okolicznościach (np. Biegałem) - Reakcja rodziców (np. Zdenerwowanie)
You know what? I've lost my home keys! I have no idea where they are! I was on the walk with my dog and when I came back home, I realised I don't have them! I thought that my parents will kill me. They were so angry!
Keep fingers crossed! Maybe I will find them. Somehow.
Hey buddy!
You know what? I've lost my home keys! I have no idea where they are! I was on the walk with my dog and when I came back home, I realised I don't have them! I thought that my parents will kill me. They were so angry!
Keep fingers crossed! Maybe I will find them. Somehow.