Napisz email . Wraz z kolegami i koleżankami ze szkoły organizujesz festiwal nauki i techniki. Napisz do swojego kolegi lub swojej koleżanki z innej szkoły e-mail , w którym: -zaprosisz go\ją na ten festiwal , podając miejsce i datę imprezy, - wyjaśnisz, jaki jest cel tego festiwalu , -opiszesz dwie planowane atrakcje festiwalu Nie z translatora samemu!!!!
I'm writing to tell you that we are organising a science and technology festival in our school. The main purpose of the event is to show that science is interesting. There will be many science experiments during the festival. You will be able to talk to real scientists. We will be presented with many interesting devices. We will try to make a robot together. We invite you to come and have fun with us during the festival. It will take place next Friday in our school. Take care and see you at the festival.
I'm writing to tell you that we are organising a science and technology festival in our school.
The main purpose of the event is to show that science is interesting. There will be many science experiments during the festival. You will be able to talk to real scientists. We will be presented with many interesting devices. We will try to make a robot together.
We invite you to come and have fun with us during the festival. It will take place next Friday in our school. Take care and see you at the festival.