Uczysz się w szkole międzynarodowej. Twoja klasa organizuje spotkanie z ekspertami na temat konfliktu pokoleń. W imieniu klasy napisz zaproszenie do wszystkich uczniów, w którym: -Poinformujesz o planowanym spotkaniu -Wyjaśnisz powód spotkania -Zachęcisz do aktywnego udziału w spotkaniu
Hello! My interational class organised meeting with expert on conflict of generation. the reason for the meeting is that people from different generations are increasingly unable to sieze him along. The meeting will be held on 22 dezember at 13.00 hour inthe hall number 1. I invite you to actively participate.
My interational class organised meeting with expert on conflict of generation. the reason for the meeting is that people from different generations are increasingly unable to sieze him along. The meeting will be held on 22 dezember at 13.00 hour inthe hall number 1. I invite you to actively participate.