Napisz email po angielsku do nowego kolegi Johna (50-100 słów) -Masz się zaprezentować (przedstawić) -Opisać swój typowy dzień z weekundu -Napisać co lubisz robić w weekendy
Proszę o pomoc!!!
Nie wymyśliłam nic specjalnego, ale masz xd
Hi John!
I'm Diana and I'm 15 years old. I'm from Poland and I live in Cracow. At the weekend I wake up at 9 o' clock. I brush my teeth, dress up and eat my breakfast. At 12 o' clock I meet with my best friends, Maria and Tifani. We like going to the cinema or ride a bike togerther. Then I go home and I eat dinner. I chat with my boyfriend, read a book and I go to bed. This is how I do at weekend. What do you like do at weekend? Write me it!
Hi John!
I'm Diana and I'm 15 years old. I'm from Poland and I live in Cracow. At the weekend I wake up at 9 o' clock. I brush my teeth, dress up and eat my breakfast. At 12 o' clock I meet with my best friends, Maria and Tifani. We like going to the cinema or ride a bike togerther. Then I go home and I eat dinner. I chat with my boyfriend, read a book and I go to bed. This is how I do at weekend. What do you like do at weekend? Write me it!
See You soon!