napisz email po angielsku ( 200 słow) czyli 20 linijek po 10 wyrazów.
PO ANGIELSKU !! O sobie .. czyli : dane : agata .......... 16 lat . niebieskie oczy czarne wlosy dlugie, sredniego wzrostu, lubie siatke. I opisac swoj wyglad caly : sylwetka szczupla, i takie tam :) napiszcie oc cchececie byle po angielsku:
Bo .. ja jestem na rozszerzeniu j.ang a w gim i podstawowce mialam tylko niemiecki i troche jest mi ciezko to napisac. z gory dziekuje i prosze takze o napisanie tego po polsku :) kto chce moze wyslac mi na email w formacie .doc lub jakis inny :) [email protected] :)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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My name is Agata and I`m 16 years old. I`ve got blue eyes, dark, long hair and i`m of medium hight. I`m interested in volleyball and I really love this wonderful sport. I`m slim and I think that is very imporant to be fit. I like different types of T-Shirts and blue jeans. My favourite type of music is rock and I really enjoy all concerts of rock bands. I think, that this music is really cool! What else can I tell about me? Let`s see... So, my favourite subjects are English, Polish and German. I really like all lessons of this subjects. I really love skiing! This is one of the best sports! And I like winter and snow. In winter we can do a lot of different things. I like honest persons, who doesn`t lie. I think, that is very important to be honest, and I try to be like that, but sometimes it doesn`t work. I don`t like egoism too. But that`s very, very hard to do! At the end, I want to add, that my favourites colors are blue, green and red. Yes - this colours are really beautiful. And now I want to finish my presentation. I hope, that it`s enough to know, who am I.
Wyszło mi troszkę więcej niż 20 słów. Mam nadzieję, że jest dobrze i ci się spodoba. ;)
` C.